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Planning Board Minutes 11/04/2004
(603) 798-4350

NOVEMBER 4, 2004

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Richard DeBold, Stan Brehm, Fred Chagnon, Peter Wade, Skip Lawrence, Brad Towle and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board, and requested they review the minutes of October 7, 2004. The following changes were made to the minutes:

Page 2
Public Hearing – Barlow Homes, Abutters present change Neil to Neal and add Gail.
Hess Lot should be 167, second paragraph, second sentence to read; “When Hess proposed the project it was stated that they would not exceed the existing signage that the Gulf Station had.”
Page 3
        Discussion – Danny Pabst, third paragraph, change …lot “as” phase 1.
Page 4
Discussion-Jeanne Viall, second paragraph, end first sentence at larger, capitalize “The” for second sentence and end at addressed, Start last sentence with “Also”
Page 5
        Discussion – Mike Albert, last sentence …wet area in “the” setback.

Motion to accept with the changes.

                Stamowlaros/McIntosh                    (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING: Barlow Homes/Joseph Wehrle property
        Map 1, Lot 5, Short Falls Road
Continued from October 7, 2004

Abutters present: Todd & Marlene Hammon

All items from the town Engineer’s letter were discussed and many were met. A bond for the road will be required for the approval to be final. Soils will be changed to reflect the soil types, as determined by the soil scientist. State subdivision approval needs to be on the plan.


The following items need to be addressed:

Soil types
Road improvements will be approved by the Town Engineer and Town Road Agent
Posting of Bond for road, amount to be determined by Town Engineer
State Subdivision approval
Soil Scientist stamp

Motion was made to accept with changes and conditions.

        Towle/Stamowlaros               (Passed)

Plans will be signed when all conditions and approvals are met.

DISCUSSION:     Danny Pabst/Mike & Mary Cooney Property
        Site Review – Driving Range
        Map 4, Lot 166, Dover Road

Mr. Pabst presented plans for the site. He would like to build a Driving Range on the property with a building 36 X 40 feet housing a pro shop and an apartment.

At this time the project violates current wetlands setbacks. The Board was in agreement to deny the project and suggest Mr. Pabst go to the Board of Adjustment.

Motion was made to deny, due to violation of wetlands setbacks.

        Towle/Brehm             (Passed)

Letter to be sent to the Board of Adjustment explaining at this time the Planning Board cannot act on the project because of the violation of wetlands setbacks. However the Board is in agreement that the proposal is a good use for the property.

DISCUSSION:     Duane Tomaszeski and Lloyd Brower
        Canterbury Cove Development
        Robert & Marilyn Eldridge, Owners
        26 lot Epsom Subdivision attaching to
        Chichester town road
        Hillview Drive

Mr. Tomaszeski & Mr. Brower presented plans to the Board with the proposal submitted to Epsom, Epsom has requested that the proposal come before the Chichester Planning Board. The Board showed concern for the abutters on Hillview Drive. Letter to be drafted and approved by Chairman.

DISCUSSION:     Joe Austin
        Elderly Housing
        Map 3, Lot 68B, Trap and Dover Road

Mr. Austin came before the Board because he feels he cannot meet one of the conditions we had on final approval. The approval was to get State subdivision approval not State septic approval. The Board was in agreement.

Mr. Austin is also requesting a letter as to the reasoning for the Town Engineer to supervise the construction of the road and the amount of escrow needed for the supervision. Chairman Scott informed Mr. Austin as in all road construction the town has required the supervision of the Town Engineer. Letter to be drafted and Chairman Scott to sign.

DISCUSSION:     Jeff Andrews – Conservation Commission
Lot Line Adjustment
Sanborn/Cray Conservation property and Plummer property
        Map 4, Lots 8 & 9B, Main Street

The Conservation Commission would like to purchase 6 of the Plummer’s 8 acres of property to use as an access to the Sanborn/Cray Conservation property, the access will be through the lower parking area of the town hall. A large concern of the Board is that the town maps show the property to be in wetlands and removing 6 acres would create a substandard lot. Mr. Andrews has informed the Board that he will have a soil scientist report of the property and see if the tax maps can be proven incorrect for the Plummer lot.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for December 2 meeting.

DISCUSSION:     Wetlands Ordinance

Bob Mann, Lee Ann Valotto and Jeff Andrews all of the Conservation Commission presented new language for the Wetlands Ordinance. The Board had some recommendations to change the wording, the subcommittee will meet again the end of the month and the changes will be brought to Public Hearing for discussion and approval for ballot vote in March.


The signage at Hess has been an agenda item with needed review.  After review of minutes and discussion with Hess representatives, the Board was in agreement that the amount of signage would be allowed to the same extent as was at the Exxon Station on the paperwork provided to the Board by the Hess representatives in October 2004. That figure was 175 square feet as listed. Letter to be drafted, Chairman Scott to sign.


The budget was discussed and altered and approved.


Nomination of Tracy Scott made by Stan Brehm and seconded by Skip Lawrence, Tracy accepted all were in favor.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                Stamowlaros/Lawrence            (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 11:30pm.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Tracy Scott